Tag Archives: 5day

I’m a strong proponent of precooking your meals for the week. Not only does it make it easier to follow a diet but its cheaper and faster as well! It eliminates the last minute struggle to figure out what to eat for lunch or the temptation to just eat fast food when in a hurry. The recipes in this category I call “5day” because they are designed to be easy, fast, and make enough food for the whole week. Some of them don’t make exactly 5 days worth of food and I normally cook for my wife as well but the concept is called 5day. One general note, I normally try to make the ingredients scale logically so if you need to adjust the serving sizes, it should be pretty easy. For example, for 8 total meals I might use 8 chicken breasts. If you wanted to make it to 5 meals you would simply use 5 chicken breasts. Don’t kill yourself weighing out 56 oz/8 * 5 ounces of chicken breasts!

Chicken Thighs with Spinach

Chicken Thighs, Spinach and Cheese

This is one of my main lunch dishes. It is super easy to make, relatively cheap, and filling.  The original idea for this came from AreYouReadyToReddit’s Google docs page here: AreYouReadyToReddit Google Doc Here is the finished product.  It is dead simple to make and …

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Breakfast Quiche

Finished Quiche!

Generally I like to cook all of my wife and I’s food for the week on the weekend. Having food ready and accessible makes it much easier to stick with a diet.  When breakfast and lunches are premade, you just grab it and go, no …

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