Deep Fried Cheese | Video

For more info check out the original post: Frying Cheese

Welcome to this week’s edition of Fry-day!  Today I’m going to break out the fryer and fry some cheese!  If you’re not familiar, there is a cheese Queso de Freir that is specifically for grilling or frying. Its a spongy cheese that kind of reminds me of mozzarella.


DeLonghi Deep Fryer
If you follow the blog, you know that I’ve gotten a little obsessed lately with my Deep Fryer to the point where I post a weekly Fry-day article. I had one of these in college and it always made me feel guilty using it. I feel so liberated that there are all sorts of keto friendly fried foods like nuggets, wings and brussels sprouts!
Cone Filters, 50 Pack
To keep your frying oil clean, you really need to filter it on a regular basis. Fryers will come with one or two filters in the kit but they run out fast. This 50 pack will keep you going for well over a year
Filter Stand
Use this stand in conjunction with standard cone filters to easily filter your oil. This system is in place of the filtering method that comes with your fryer.

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